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Based only on my gym and running trail observations, in-shape, single, 50-something men far outnumber their female counterparts who are similarly height-weight proportionate. I am in my late 50’s and think myself as a good dating material. Not bad looking, physically fit but with touch of a beer belly , financially and emotionally well secure. Well mannered, well educated and polite. I am not divorced by separated for past decade or so. First off, SEX shouldn’t be the 1st item on the table.

You May Not Get Along with His Friends

I realize that there won’t always be chemistry or things in common within a couple, maybe a great difference in values. That of course is a good reason to separate, but then again there was no good reason to get married in the first place. MDs are very clear that women after menopause change a lot include no longer having the desire – it is disheartening but is the big reason why us 50 something men are forced to go younger.

I don’t know if I can do it again. Because no woman comes into a man’s life alone, by herself. That marriage license brings THE STATE into your life along with your new wife. From then on, the threat of divorce, financial ruin, loss of your children and the threat of government-enforced extortion hang over your head like the sword of Damocles.

Dating in your 50’s – Easy for Men… Not so much for Women!

You deserve a man that’ll treat you like the queen you are. Be very protective of you and would cross the ocean to lay the world at your feet. No time for games and shenanigans. The best quality time and sincere endearment.

I don’t want to waste investing my time loving someone that just wants a girlfriend for the rest of his life. David…I understand what you are saying. The men I have encountered have too much baggage, don’t care to date, or just don’t take care of themselves. I moved to a more rural area and the men here more often than not don’t even care to shave their faces.

I find the situation with men here even worse than before. Now at almost 53 years old I am totally turned off to the idea of being with anyone again. I would always have preferred not to be alone and single, but my luck with men after my divorce, which was 10 years ago, has not been good. If you lived a lot closer you might be able to convince me that there are still men out there with a decent head on their shoulders who desire something meaningful in their lives.

I had actually written off ever getting a girlfriend ever again after 17 years of back to back serious relationships, I was just going to date until I met this girl. I was seeing 9 girls and from the moment we met we were inseperable and I dropped the ball on all of them. Weird seeing that there’s a 12 year age gap. I’ve never been married, I have no kids, neither has she. PostDoc, if it happened often then you were actually consciously choosing to be with older men.

Looking for an equally yolked person who wants to have a long term relationship & isn’t all about sex. I have a kind, loving & giving heart. Looking for someone who wants to just start out slowly. You are completely wrong and have no idea what you’re talking about. I am a 50 year old woman and want sex more now than I ever did in my 20’s, and every woman I know my age feels the same. Because we r sitting here reading posts that say we may as well accept the fact that we are going to be alone the rest of our lives.

So, I recently met a girl who seems super awesome. She’s attractive, cool, funny, smart etc, and we have an absolute boat load in common. Anyway, the one thing that gets me is I’m 27, soon to be 28 and she is 20.


There’s some truisms and I don’t give a rat’s rear end about what women say… being short (and I’m fit and I’m in the gym all the time, or taking yoga, or power walking) is a HUGE disadvantage. If I were 6′ in American culture, I would have my pick of GFs. I have a BA/MA, I’m a decent hobbyist musician, I have “edgy” tattoos from that side of my personality; I have a great career that pays me 100K a year. I was together with my ex-husband for a total of 19 yrs, 16 yrs married. I was a loyal, caring wife believing we’d be together until old age. He cheated on me more than once and I stupidly kept him in my life until he finally wanted out.

Too young, too old, too fat, too thin, make to much money, don’t make enough, too “needy”, not needy enough. Well, I may not need a man to rescue me financially or help raise children, but I not only need a partner, I want a partner. Hugs, physical touch, someone to touch in the night, it is a very lonely place without the very thing many of us divorced people took for granted. You cannot buy genuine intimacy, that must come from give and take. So yes, I have the career, the stability, the grown children, but I would be at my finest with a friend and lover beside me, a strong man. I am an inherently monogamous person, but several women had casual sexual relations with prior lovers while showing serious interest in me.

The internet is divided on the topic. Articles and blog posts alternate between claiming age absolutely matters in a relationship and age absolutely doesn’t matter in a relationship. One thing is clear — nothing brings out more opinions than other people’s love lives. When it comes to dating, age is just one among many factors to consider as you seek your match. We bring all of our prior life experience to any relationship we enter, so how much does it matter that one person’s history is years longer than the other’s?

I want to be happy with who I am and that is going to take some time. You and the women you’re referring to are either paid to look good, in which case they do, or married. Having built nearly every single thing on earth and being responsible for its stability, safety, security and sustainability, I can assure you that this is not a man’s perspective. In fact, if we started giving less of a f— about what women thought about anything, we would enjoy a tremendous improvement in our collective mental health and maybe stop jumping off brudges . I’m literally laughing as I read this. I am 51 and in the best shape of my life.

Debbie, I don’t think it will much fun dating from the other side either. At 60, I have re entered single life through no choice of my own. My 44 year old wife informed me a few months ago that she was leaving. She said, amongst other things, that https://hookupranker.com/ulust-review/ the age difference was beginning to bother her, that we were distancing at an exponential rate. I had never felt that, I stay fit, cycle, hike, and don’t weight much more than what I weighed at 21. I could keep up with her in most things.